The IBERA diplomate exam is held at least once per year during a 2-3 week exam window scheduled in September-October and uses live remote proctoring. More information regarding the live remote proctoring process is provided in the FAQ section.
The examination contains 115 multiple-choice questions (100 graded and 15 beta questions) which candidates have 4 hours to answer. An applicant may take the exam in any of the 3 years of eligibility. To become certified, an applicant must pass the exam in one of those 3 years.

Domains and Subdomains
The exam questions test the skills, knowledge and abilities needed to perform Environmental Risk Assessment at an advanced level, covering the nine domains and subdomains.
- Differentiate between the components of the risk assessment paradigm: hazard – exposure – risk
- Differentiate between prospective, retrospective, and alternatives risk assessment
- Assess the utility and limitations of controlled laboratory, field, and epidemiological studies
- Distinguish the value of modelling, observational and experimental studies to assess risk
- Evaluate data across spatial, temporal and biological scales of effects
- Evaluate chemical groups and classes (e.g., QSAR, mode of action, chemical physical properties)
- Identify risk assessment approaches under various regulatory frameworks (e.g., REACH, TSCA, CSCL)
- Identify similarities and differences between human health and ecological risk assessments
- Identify applicability of weight of evidence approaches
- Identify the role of uncertainty analysis
- Assess environmental conditions, processes, and chemical properties driving chemical fate, behavior, and transport
- Assess environmental conditions and chemical properties driving chemical distribution within compartments: partitioning, and speciation
- Assess environmental conditions, processes, and chemical properties driving chemical transformation and degradation
- Identify approaches for measuring or estimating chemical fate and transport (e.g., in-silico predictions, empirical measurements and their relationships, and experimental derivation of chemical properties)
- Evaluate the extent and magnitude of environmental release sources
- Apply principles of sampling design
- Assess the quality, value, and reliability of analytical data of chemicals in different compartments (e.g., clean sampling, blanks, detection limits)
- Evaluate the strength and relevance of exposure information
- Utilize monitoring information and evaluate their quality and usefulness for exposure assessments
- Estimate internal exposure and downstream consequences (e.g., bioaccumulation, biomagnification, food chain transfer, secondary poisoning)
- Recognize environmental conditions and chemical properties affecting bioavailability and bioaccessability
- Evaluate pathways of exposure (e.g., food chain transfer, secondary poisoning)
- Recognize the utility and limitations of models used to estimate or predict exposure (e.g., individual-based spatial exposure models, foodweb models, fate and transport models)
- Demonstrate understanding of uptake, biotransformation, detoxification, bioactivation, elimination pathways (e.g., ADME)
- Identify the influence of chemical and organismal properties and environmental conditions on ADME
- Recognize different types of interactions of chemicals with biomolecules (i.e. molecular initiating event)
- Assess the utility and limitations of toxicity pathways, mode of action, and/or adverse outcome pathways
- Demonstrate understanding of the development and application of commonly used biomarkers (e.g., metallothioneins, EROD) together with their possibilities and limitations
- Utilize data from next-generation high throughput methods (e.g., transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, receptor binding/activation) together with their possibilities and limitations
- Interpret cellular level effects (e.g., oxidative stress, induction of biotransformation enzymes)
- Interpret physiological effects (e.g., energy metabolism, ion homeostasis, organ toxicity)
- Evaluate experimental design of toxicity assays as described in international test guideline s (e.g. OECD, ISO, ASTM),
- Apply concepts of mixture toxicity (e.g., dose additivity, concentration addition vs independent action, kinetics)
- Distinguish variation of sensitivity between individuals and between species
- Identify combined, interactive, and/or indirect effects of chemical and non-chemical stressors
- Assess benefits and disadvantages of alternatives to animal testing
- Utilize available toxicity databases
- Identify basic ecology principles relevant to exposure to and effects from chemicals
- Evaluate the results from supra-organism level tests for regulatory application (e.g. microcosm, mesocosm, field studies)
- Integrate important population and community level processes into risk assessment
- Identify organism/chemical interactions with habitats and niches as they apply to risk assessments
- Evaluate indirect effects on populations, metapopulations, communities, and ecosystems
- Utilize tools and models to extrapolate effects across biological levels of organization (e.g., organism to population endpoints)
- Identify basics of ecological modelling in risk assessment (e.g., population modelling)
- Integrate various lines of evidence to develop toxicity reference values (e.g., PNEC, EQS)
- Recognize the role of monitoring in prospective and retrospective risk assessment
- Design appropriate monitoring campaigns/schemes, including principles of sampling design (e.g., frequency, resolution, replication)
- Utilize Biological or Ecological monitoring methods and ecological quality assessment scoring systems (e.g. TRIAD, SPEAR).
- Identify possibilities and limitations of biomarkers of exposure and effect
- Apply biosensor and in-situ exposure data
- Assess correlation vs. causation using weight-of-evidence approaches (e.g., empirical vs mechanistic)
- Utilize lines of evidence integration techniques in developing toxicity-based benchmarks and risk-based media concentrations
- Recognize fundamentals of approaches for experimental and sampling design
- Recognize distribution types
- Evaluate the impact of outliers, censored data, and influence of power to interpret results
- Recognize fundamentals of Bayesian approaches
- Interpret species sensitivity distributions (SSD) and chemical exposure distributions
- Derive and assess dose-response metrics and level of confidence (e.g., benchmark dose, LOEC, NOAEL, LC50)
- Recognize the benefits and limitations of deterministic vs probabilistic approaches
- Recognize assumptions used in time-to-event models (e.g., time to species extinction, life tables)
- Recognize basics of ecological modelling methods for effect assessment (e.g., population, spatial explicit, landscape modelling)
- Interpret the outcome of commonly used data complexity reduction techniques (e.g., multivariate statistics, ordination, principal component analysis)
- Recognize the difference between statistical and biological significance
- Identify critical elements of systematic literature review processes
- Organize risk communication information for delivery to stakeholders
- Assess critical areas of problem formulation (e.g., site conceptual models, data quality objectives)
- Recognize elements of a research tool that determine its applicability to risk assessment (e.g., validation and verification)
- Identify opportunities to include additional scientific disciplines needed for science-based risk assessment (e.g., social sciences, engineers, legal)